
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wake in a dream

Today is the 25th July 2010
I woke up at 8 o'clock I eat a breakfast bread. I have purchased from themall yesterday.
After that i felt sleepy.So I go to the bed and lie down and close my eyes.
Actually, I do not want to go to sleep.I just want to meditate only by sleep.
I usually meditate an hour a day at night.
I feel very sleepy.But I try not to sleep.I feel that I am going to sleep all the time.
I feel my body that it is a little tight but my mind calm.
I feel all parts of the body in the same period.
I feel like this every time on meditation. Normally it takes about an hour to come to this situation.
But this time. I think I spent time less than one minute.And usually.
I can not keep feeling like this take more time.
But now I think the time pass more than two or three minutes.
Now. My feeling tells me that my body is sleeping.But I think I'm still wake.
I have heard that Many people have experience with astral travel. I think it is happening to me.
I decided to stand up.I feel i can not stand up my body is very hard.
I try to do that again. Finally i can stand up
I do not feel afraid. But I want to prove
I head over to the window.My room is on the fifth floor. The below is a swimming pool.
I saw the childrens are playing at the swimming pool.I'm not sure How many childrens are there.
For sure I need to know the number of children in the pool.Because now I think it is the truth.But i'm not sure.
I'm not sure this is a astral travel, but I decided to step out of the window.
Oh.. i can fly . I still on 5 floor. I did not fall to the ground.
But I can not control the body.When the winds came, I felt wobbly.
Soon I learned to control the body still flying.And now I can Count the number of children at the pool.
I counted to six people.I fly down to the pool, make sure to count again.But now I count to twelve.
When i flying near the pool. I saw a back of woman in blue suite. She has long hair.But I'm not very interested.

I fly through the pool. And through beside of the building. And come to the front of the building.
Environment that I see are real. Everything remains the same.
I saw sportclub. I saw the shop. I saw the guard and I saw one yellow-green taxi.
I fly to close and look at the license plate.
The number on licence plate is 11-1111. I feel strange But I try to remember the number.
And now I think. I have a class English at 10:30 o'clock.
I should be back to my room.I tried to force myself back into the body with eyes closed.
But it dose't work.
So I changed my mind .and fly to the gate and walk through the gate without opening.
I arrived in front of the elevator
And press the botton. when the door open I come into the elevator
I press the botton to the fifth floor.
When the elevator open at the fifth floor.And i come out of the elevator .I feel something wrong.
This is not my fifth floor that i have been here. I saw the graffiti around the wall and i saw the door of my room.
I think i press the wrong number. But i don't care . I want to go to learn English.
When i open the door . I wake up .

immediately when i get up I look at the clock on the wall. The time pass 10 minutes.
I head over the window and see the swimming pool at the below i saw one guy and two children.
So I know that just a dreams.
But i don't feel disappointment. Becuase i can remember everything in my dream.
what i saw . How i feel. and the most important.
I can fly.

this is first time that i write a long paragraph with English.I hope you understand.

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